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TogetherQuest is the name of the SoulQuest giving campaign. We truly have to work TOGETHER to help others find wholeness and healing in Christ.
Will you consider helping someone receive the counseling they need?
Luke Stashak's story reminds us of the importance of making safe, Biblical counseling available to anyone who has need. So many lives could be saved if everyone had financial access to professional help. We want to make professional counseling available to anyone who desires it and cannot afford it. The SoulQuest board opened a TogetherQuest, a benevolence fund in honor and remembrance of Luke, and other young people who suffer from depression, anxiety and the ever-present villain of suicide.
To give to TogetherQuest, click the button below. You'll be redirected to a secure page. Choose from either our "General Fund" or the "Benevolence Fund" options.

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